10 Fascinating Facts About Solar Energy

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You may know some basic solar energy facts already, like the fact that you may be able to get solar energy incentives in the form of tax breaks if you switch to this eco-friendly power source. But there’s more to solar energy than that. Learn more and get interested in an efficient and abundant natural source of energy.

Solar Energy Is Older Than You Think

If you think of solar energy as something modern that’s only just become available to the public within the last 20-30 years, you may be surprised to learn that it’s considerably older than that. The New York Timesfirst announced the advent of solar energy technology in the mid 1950s.

It’s Gotten Progressively Cheaper Over the Years

High cost is perhaps the reason why solar energy wasn’t as widely discussed until recently. Prices for solar cells have fallen 99 percent since 1977, bringing this power source within reach for a much wider range of consumers.

Soft Cost Hurdles

Though prices for solar cells themselves have fallen dramatically, so-called “soft costs” for things like permits and installation often remain high. People who can afford the up-front investment may find themselves saving in the long term, though.

Solar Panels Are Built to Last

Most solar panels are built for the long haul. Though they won’t necessarily last forever, they can give a good 40-50 years of service before needing to be replaced, which offsets some of the impact of soft costs up front.

The World’s Largest Solar Energy Plant Is in California…

The Ivanpah Solar Power Facility is the largest solar power plant in the world. Located in the Mojave Desert in California, the plant harnesses solar power during the day and allows for energy storage and usage when the sun isn’t out.

…But China Is the World Leader in Solar Energy

Though the single largest plant is located in the USA, China generates more solar energy than any other country on the planet. They’ve made major strides in installing solar panels across the country.

Solar Energy Is Abundant and Renewable

Part of what makes solar energy so sensible as a source of power is the fact that sunshine is so abundant. It’s the most abundant natural resource on the planet, in fact, and it isn’t going to run dry (or dark) anytime soon.

Solar Energy in Space

NASA got on board with solar energy technology earlier than most other organizations and agencies, using this power source for satellites and other orbiters in the 1950s. One of these solar-powered satellites, Vanguard 1, is among the oldest manmade objects orbiting the earth.

Notable Solar Adopters

While there are individuals and families here and there turning to solar for all or part of their energy needs, many corporate entities are also going green in this way. Retailers like Target and Walmart are among the biggest users of solar energy in the USA.

Solar Energy Is Good for Emergency Relief

Solar panels are relatively easy to set up and connect to a power grid, and that makes them a good choice for disaster relief. Organizations that contributed to disaster relief in the wake of Puerto Rico’s 2017 hurricane crisis mostly used solar power as part of their aid efforts.